All the shit Geico doesn't tell you. I guarantee you that no matter where you live you can find insurance not only cheaper but without the
massive rate increases on renewal
. The heavy-handed advertising is meant for the not-too-bright, and I am sure that it succeeds as they wouldn't be able to afford Little Richard or the midget. This is the kind of style-over-substance shit that America has a problem with. America is addicted to glossy wrappers with nothing much inside. Geico knows this. Geico is determined to part fools from their money using lizards and midgets, they have their telescopic sights set on trailer parks and those who may once have lived in them.
I find nothing even remotely cute or attractive about the Geico lizard. I think it is kind of an asshole, in fact, in the sense that cockney speakers tend, to a great extent, to be assholes. I find it repulsive, smug, and too cartoonish to be intended for adults outside of their test-group, which was probably made up of weed-smokers. I also think the caveman thing might be slightly racist as well but I have think about it some more. I have a hard time believing that anybody would choose Geico for any reason other than they are "on TV a lot" and "seem to be doing well for themselves". In other words, anybody in their right mind would have a problem with Geico for exactly that reason. I don't want my insurance company rich, I want them fucking pauperized and operating out of a trailer that I have to drive by 15 rebel flags to get to. I want them broke and vulnerable and afraid of me, like my women. They need to know that they have to put out. What the fuck does a lizard have to do with insurance?