Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Actress recalls rape

Actress recalls rape: "Actress Cybill Shepherd has revealed she was once sexually assaulted by a famous actor when she attempted to cool their relationship. Speaking for the first time about her own ordeal on Entertainment Tonight, Shepherd reveals her ex turned nasty when she told him she wanted to date other people. 'He jerked the necklace off of me and he threw me around the kitchen. He said to me, 'Don't even think of getting the keys to your car, because I have them, and you're not getting them to be able to get away.'' The unnamed actor demanded sex and Shepherd was terrified as he pinned her down. Eventually she wriggled free and ran to get help. Shepherd admits she never had the courage to report the incident, and years later received an offer to work with her attacker. 'I said, 'I don't think so.''"

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